Prahlada Suraya Visnu (Phra-Athit) - جرد الجدول

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11/1 <?+?+?> Prahlada Suraya Visnu (Phra-Athit) [Narasimhites]
الميلاد: Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
اللقب المميّز: Dyaus Pitar (Priest)
الديانة: Dyavaprthivi Dharma


21/2 <1+?> Radheya Virochana ? (of Karna (Karnak) (Karnakh)) [Narasimhites]
السكن: Vijayanagara, Karnataka
السكن: Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
الديانة: Devotee of Atman
قالب:Needsources During the reign of this king a statue of a Purushamriga Namuci was established in Karnaktaka with the lower body of a lion and the upper body of a human being. The priest of the Namucci used as a symbol of their priesthood the Rod of Asherah (aka... Cadecceus (Greek lang.)


31/3 <2+?> Semiramis I ? (Contemporary of Zarathuštra of Bactria) [Narasimhites]
الميلاد: -8140 ? -6000
اللقب المميّز: Queen of Ahurziya - Reigned 42 years
الزواج: <1> w Ninus I Nameses (Ningirsu) [Ahurzites]
Contemporary of Person:324676

Semiramis was the builder of the original Hanging Gardens of Babylon. These gardens were destroyed several times and restored over the years but never to the full glory of the original. Semiramis was married twice producing kings from both marriages. Her origins have been greatly mythologised but reading beyond the myths and comparing tradition to historical and archaeological tradition it becomes easier to piece together a plausable picture of this historical queen.

Semiramis' mother Derceto, also known from other records as Athara or Athargatis, was a vestal priestess of Pishdadi (Dilmunati) descent who fell in love with an unidentified Syrian (Sigiriya) man who visited the shrine to make offerings.

THE LEGEND: It is said that after the birth of her baby the mother Derceto exposed the baby to the elements and then jumped into the lake near Bambyce and turned into a "Big Fish". The baby was raised for the first year by birds who sustained the child on milk and cheese stolen from the local herdsmen. When the baby was 1 year old she was found and adopted by a childless man named Semmis who named the baby Semiramis.

THE REALITY: It is likely that the mother drowned following the birth of the baby and that it was raised by the priests and priestesses of the temple and given out for adoption after a year. The rest of the story of Semiramis, while legendary and larger than life, is not impossible.

The Assyrian empire encompassed most of the known world at the time except India and Bactria (both of these were extensive empires of their own) Bactria comprised most of Eastern Asian continent and India consisted not only of the subcontinent of India but vast portions of Africa and some of South-east Asia as well, the remaining superpower of the time was the Thebaid confederation who had control of the Mediterranean, North Africa, Libya which included vast portions of Africa, and the far western shores of Europe and included many of the tribes of the "Sea Peoples". At the time of her abdication (in favor of her son Ninyas (Ninus II) The "Asian" (aka Assyrian) empire encompassed the following. NOTE: ancient boundaries of countries are different than current boundaries. Many of these locations are not in the areas commonly associated with them in modern times and many of them have been lost or forgotten.)

  • Babylonia (not the City)
  • Armenia (King Barzanes)
  • Media (King Pharnus)
  • Egypt
  • Phoenicia
  • Coele
  • Syria
  • Cilicia
  • Pamphylia
  • Lycia
  • Caria
  • Phrygia
  • Mysia
  • Lydia
  • The Troad
  • Propontis
  • Bithynia
  • Cappadocia
  • Persis
  • Susiana
  • Caspiana
  • Tanis River from the Black sea to the north sea

in addition she was Queen Regent of the following tribes: Cadusians, Payrians, Hyrcanians, Drangians, Derbices, Carmanians, Choromnaeans, Borcanians, Parthyaens and the minor barbarian tribes within her boundaries.

It is proposed that Semiramis may have been the person to commission the Syphinx (aka The Purushamriga of Egypt) during her tenure as Queen of Egypt. Detailed geological studies have shown that the Sphinx is much older than the Egyptian Old Kingdom and may have been built between 5000-6000 BC, subject to intense hydro-erosion in the form of extensive rainfall before the desertification of the Giza Plateau, swallowed by the desert prior to 3000 BCE, Excavated by Person:612005, restored by Person:612721, consumed again by desert prior to 1500BCE, Re Excavated and restored again by Person:153206, again consumed by the sand prior to 1700 CE only to be re-excavated in modern times.

The earliest inscription associated with the Sphinx is a mention of sacrificial offerings by both during the reign of Wenofer...khaf who commissioned the statue in honor of Atum-Hor-em-Akhet.
42/3 <2+?> w Baali Daitya (Maherbaal) [Pauravashi]


51/4 <3+1> Sosane ? (Ahurzaites) [Ahurzites]
Offered by her father as a wife to Oenaus in exchange for Oenaus' wife Semiramus.
62/4 <3+?> Hyapaites ? (Son of Oenaeus) [?]
May be the same person as Person:79274
73/4 <3+?+?> Hydaspes ? (Son of Oenaeus) [Ahheyaites]
84/4 <3+?+?> Vištaspa ? (Hystaspes) [Ahheyaites]
95/4 <3+?+?> Satyavati ? (Daughter of Swarbhanu) [Ahheyaites]
106/4 <4+?> Banasura ? (Punashura) [Pauravashi]


111/5 <8+?> Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta) [Ahheyaites]


There are two Japheths. One that is associated with the flood (son of Noah) And one (the son of Vištaspa/Hystaspes) that significantly predates the notion of Noah and is associated with the onset of an ice age. These are two distinct persons from entirely different sources.

In the second chapter of the Vendidad of the Avesta, the omniscient Creator Ahura Mazda asks Yima, a good shepherd, to receive his law and bring it to men. However, Yima refuses, and so Ahura Mazda charges him with a different mission: to rule over and nourish the earth, to see that the living things prosper. This Yima accepts, and Ahura Mazda presents him with a golden seal and a dagger inlaid with gold.

Yima rules as king for three hundred years, and soon the earth was full of men, flocks of birds and herds of animals. He deprived the daevas, who were demonic servants of the evil Ahriman, of wealth, herds and reputation during his reign. Good men, however, lived lives of plenty, and were neither sick nor aged. Father and son walked together, each appearing no older than fifteen. Ahura Mazda visits him once more, warning him of this overpopulation. Yima, shining with light, faced southwards and pressed the golden seal against the earth and boring into it with the poniard, says "O Spenta Armaiti, kindly open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men."

The earth swells and Yima rules for another six hundred years before the same problem occurred once more. Once again he pressed the seal and dagger to the earth and asked the ground to swell up to bear more men and beasts, and the earth swells again. Nine hundred years later, the earth was full again. The same solution is employed, the earth swelling again.

The next part of the story tells of a meeting of Ahura Mazda and the Yazatas in Airyanem Vaejah, the first of the "perfect lands". Yima attends with a group of "the best of mortals", where Ahura Mazda warns him of an upcoming catastrophe: "O fair Yima, son of Vivaŋhat! Upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall bring the fierce, deadly frost; upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall make snow-flakes fall thick, even an arədvi deep on the highest tops of mountains."

Ahura Mazda advises Yima to construct a Vara (Avestan: enclosure) in the form of a multi-level cavern underground, two miles (3 km) long and two miles (3 km) wide. This he is to populate with the fittest of men and women; and with two of every animal, bird and plant; and supply with food and water gathered the previous summer. Yima creates the Vara by crushing the earth with a stamp of his foot, and kneading it into shape as a potter does to clay. He creates streets and buildings, and brings nearly two thousand people to live therein. He creates artificial light, and finally seals the Vara with a golden ring.

This myth could very well be the origin of the myths of Atlantis. The name of the land in which they Jamshied dwells is called Airyanem Vaejah. Or Kingdom of the Blessed which the Greeks referred to as the Kingdom of the Blessed.

Adam the first man in this myth referred to as Yima is asked to become the steward over all living things. This he does willingly and mankind prospers. After several hundred years the earth becomes overpopulated. Yima uses the power of the sun (his golden seal) to expand the land by melting the glaciers and exposing new territories. This cycle of overpopulating and expanding continues unchecked for several dispensations until at last God warns Yima (Man) that a catastrophy is about to occur with the onset of a new glacial age. And in order to save himself and mankind as well as plant life and animals he is to build a cave...or box... in which he takes two of every plant and creature to escape the impending doom.

This later story bears a strong resemblance to the story of Noah... except that in Noah's case the cave is an ark and the destruction will be by flood (i.e. deglaciation).
122/5 <7+8!+?> Lugalzagesi Lugal-Zagesi (the Shepherd) [Hetes Scepter]
السكن: Aireyanum Veija, Black Sea Region
اللقب المميّز: King of Umma
العمل: Ishib-Priest of El-Ahn
العمل: Ilumah-Priest of Nisaba
العمل: Ensigal Priest of Enlil
اللقب المميّز: High King of Mesopotamia and Areyanum
قالب:Place name error

قالب:Needsources قالب:Controversial

[Judeo-Christian Japheth] [Zoroastrian Japheth]

The Gaedelian Scyths preserved the story of Jamshiedقالب:Ref!. In their histories there is not a specific mention of his membership in the family of Noah. This is a connection that was later made and preserved by early Christian missionaries and writers in the earliest days of Christianityقالب:Ref!. What the Gaels did preserve is a mention that after the great flood (Shupparak) Japeth became the lord of Assyriaقالب:Ref!. The Gaels named the following as descendants of Japhethقالب:Ref!. Tyras, Gomer, Kadai, Meshech, Javan, and Magok. It is uncertain how many of these were actual sons of Japeth and how many were descendant (sons) of Japeth and how many were sons in law since the culture of the transmitters did not clearly distinguish between these classes of descendants nor specify the length of time that passed between generationsقالب:Ref!.

Historical Record

The Kingship of Zagheshid encompased all known lands at the timeقالب:Ref!. from the Persian Gulf along the Tigris and Euphrates to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. All of the sovereigns of Sumer and the other lands paid tribute to him at Urukقالب:Ref!.
193/5 <5+?+9!> Vedavyasa [?]
التعليم: student of Zarathustra
134/5 <8+?> Jamaspa ? (Dumuzid the Shepherd) [Ahheyaites] 145/5 <5+?+9!> Damgalnuna [?]
156/5 <5+?+9!> Nahusha [?]
Allied with the Pitris (Pishdadi) Dynasties of Dilmun and Elam
167/5 <5+?+9!> Vriddhasarman [?]
178/5 <5+?+9!> Rajingaya [?]
189/5 <5+?+9!> Anenas (Aenaeus) [?]


221/6 <12+?> Sabazeus ? (Argentaios) [?]
السكن: Tartessos
Argentenaius is a dynastic Title or "Kings Name" This person's history has become impossibly mythologised. In Greek myths he is mentioned as Promethius. In Hebrew mythology he is the son of Japheth. It is doubtful that this is the same person who lived at the time of the Shuppurak Flood of 2900BCE.
232/6 <11+2+3+12!+13!> Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes]) [?]
اللقب المميّز: King of Zabalam
اللقب المميّز: King of Suruppak
243/6 <14+?> Alulim ? (Alulim-enki) [Caduceus]
اللقب المميّز: King of Ummah (Yamuna)
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Prince of Dilmun
254/6 <11+2+3+12!+13!> Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana) [Hetes Scepter]
اللقب المميّز: Princess of Zabalam
205/6 <11+2+3+12!+13!> Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: -4000?, King of Marhashi


Historical Underpinnings

First people to invent written language. The proposed type site is Konar Sandal, near Jiroft in the Halil River area. Other significant sites associated with the culture include; Shahr-i Sokhta (Burnt City), Tepe Bampur, Espiedej, Shahdad, Iblis, and Tepe Yahya. There is scholarly speculation that this kingdom may be the remains of an even earlier civilization located in the land of Aratta for which the Mountain of Ararat is a namesake. Tal-i-Iblis culture, known as Ali Abad period (fourth millennium BC) was revealed by Joseph R. Caldwell, American archaeologist.

Mythological Overlay

Chaos was more of a process than an typical anthropomorphic god. This hermaphroditic god was a watery dark directionless mass in which flourished the Ogdoad (primordial entities) which possessed within itself the characteristics male and female and demonstrated a propensity for (but not actual differentiation of) duality in nature. According to Egyptian mythology this god had several names: Nun/Naunet (water), Amen/Amaunet (invisibility), Heh/Hauhet (infinity) and Kek/Kauket (darkness).

The role that Nun plays in the generations of mankind is varied depending on the source. The cult of Ra believed that Amen transforming himself as Ra (the sun God) by rising out of the waters of Nun to stand upon the primeval mound (Benben). The Aten cult taught that Shu/Tefnut made a journey to speak the word of Ptah to the waters of Nun, where upon Amen arose as Ra from the waters of Nun to walk with legs (benben) upon the dry land. In still another myth Ra goes in search of Shu and Tefnut and upon finding them cries with joy and from his tears are created the first humans. In the cult of Ma the tears first fall upon the earth to create a tree from whose roots the first humans spring.

It is interesting to note the similarity between this later myth (the Cult of Ma) and the corresponding Zoroastrian myth which states that a tree was planted in the garden which was both male and female (Gayomart) and a serpent bit it causing it to die. From its roots sprang the first man and woman. This myth is perpetuated in the Hebrew tradition (among the descendants of Abraham) where it is transformed into the familiar Adam and Eve story that is familiar to all Christians. Oddly, there are passages in the scriptures of the Muslims which, while not contradicting the story of Adam, bears a remarkable similarity to the earlier myth cycle of an androgynous being that was differentiated into two genders.

Among the arabs. The name Jinn refers literally to "that which is not seen" or the invisible ones. An other name for Jinn is Amen (Lit: invisible). In the mythology of Islam, the Jinn are created by Allah from the fire. At first this may seem to be a contradiction, however in the thinking of modern science Life was created from the primordial water through the agency of fire (Lightning and vulcanism).

Mythology of his Offspring

According to the creation myth as described in the Bundahishn, Ohrmuzd's (Ahura Mazda) sixth creation is the primeval beast Gayomart (Gayamarətan), that was neither male nor female. Ahriman (Angra Mainyu), the Spirit of Evil that dwelt in the Absolute Darkness, sought to destroy all that Ohrmuzd had created, and sent the demoness Jeh (Jahi) to kill Gayomard. In this she was successful, but the moon (Mah) captured his seed before the animal died, from which all animal life then grew. From Gayomard's corpse grew a tree, the seeds of which were the origin of all plant life, and from the branches of which grew Mashya and Mashyana. They promised to aid Ohrmuzd in his battle with Ahriman, and gave birth to fifteen sets of twins which scattered around the Earth and became the races of mankind.

On a More Human Note

According to Zoroastrian Scriptural (versus Mythological) texts Keyumars was the first King of the World upon emergence from the caves and a descendant of the Legendary Jamshied who saved humanity from destruction during the great Ice Age.

Memory of this King may have been handed down in Judeo-Christian tradition as Michael the Archangel.
216/6 <11+2+3+12!+13!> Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]


Historical Underpinnings

First people to invent written language. The proposed type site is Konar Sandal, near Jiroft in the Halil River area. Other significant sites associated with the culture include; Shahr-i Sokhta (Burnt City), Tepe Bampur, Espiedej, Shahdad, Iblis, and Tepe Yahya. There is scholarly speculation that this kingdom may be the remains of an even earlier civilization located in the land of Aratta for which the Mountain of Ararat is a namesake. Tal-i-Iblis culture, known as Ali Abad period (fourth millennium BC) was revealed by Joseph R. Caldwell, American archaeologist.

Mythological Overlay

Chaos was more of a process than an typical anthropomorphic god. This hermaphroditic god was a watery dark directionless mass in which flourished the Ogdoad (primordial entities) which possessed within itself the characteristics male and female and demonstrated a propensity for (but not actual differentiation of) duality in nature. According to Egyptian mythology this god had several names: Nun/Naunet (water), Amen/Amaunet (invisibility), Heh/Hauhet (infinity) and Kek/Kauket (darkness).

The role that Nun plays in the generations of mankind is varied depending on the source. The cult of Ra believed that Amen transforming himself as Ra (the sun God) by rising out of the waters of Nun to stand upon the primeval mound (Benben). The Aten cult taught that Shu/Tefnut made a journey to speak the word of Ptah to the waters of Nun, where upon Amen arose as Ra from the waters of Nun to walk with legs (benben) upon the dry land. In still another myth Ra goes in search of Shu and Tefnut and upon finding them cries with joy and from his tears are created the first humans. In the cult of Ma the tears first fall upon the earth to create a tree from whose roots the first humans spring.

It is interesting to note the similarity between this later myth (the Cult of Ma) and the corresponding Zoroastrian myth which states that a tree was planted in the garden which was both male and female (Gayomart) and a serpent bit it causing it to die. From its roots sprang the first man and woman. This myth is perpetuated in the Hebrew tradition (among the descendants of Abraham) where it is transformed into the familiar Adam and Eve story that is familiar to all Christians. Oddly, there are passages in the scriptures of the Muslims which, while not contradicting the story of Adam, bears a remarkable similarity to the earlier myth cycle of an androgynous being that was differentiated into two genders.

Among the arabs. The name Jinn refers literally to "that which is not seen" or the invisible ones. An other name for Jinn is Amen (Lit: invisible). In the mythology of Islam, the Jinn are created by Allah from the fire. At first this may seem to be a contradiction, however in the thinking of modern science Life was created from the primordial water through the agency of fire (Lightning and vulcanism).

Mythology of his Offspring

According to the creation myth as described in the Bundahishn, Ohrmuzd's (Ahura Mazda) sixth creation is the primeval beast Gayomart (Gayamarətan), that was neither male nor female. Ahriman (Angra Mainyu), the Spirit of Evil that dwelt in the Absolute Darkness, sought to destroy all that Ohrmuzd had created, and sent the demoness Jeh (Jahi) to kill Gayomard. In this she was successful, but the moon (Mah) captured his seed before the animal died, from which all animal life then grew. From Gayomard's corpse grew a tree, the seeds of which were the origin of all plant life, and from the branches of which grew Mashya and Mashyana. They promised to aid Ohrmuzd in his battle with Ahriman, and gave birth to fifteen sets of twins which scattered around the Earth and became the races of mankind.

On a More Human Note

According to Zoroastrian Scriptural (versus Mythological) texts Keyumars was the first King of the World upon emergence from the caves and a descendant of the Legendary Jamshied who saved humanity from destruction during the great Ice Age.

Memory of this King may have been handed down in Judeo-Christian tradition as Michael the Archangel.
267/6 <15> Yayati [?]
278/6 <15> Yati [?]
289/6 <15> Sanyati [?]
2910/6 <15> Ayati [?]
3011/6 <15> Dhruva [?]


321/7 <21+?> Lilith Themis (the Younger) [Hetes Scepter]
الميلاد: Sumeria

قالب:Link-type:Make-believe قالب:Controversial

[| Themis] [| Lilith] [| Thalassa]

This person is mythological but appears as a Demigod in the common mythologies of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hebrews, Assyria, and Greece. Where she is reputed to have been the wife of the First Man who equates to Adam of the Hebraic tradition.

Christian tradition does not accept the story of Lilith as a wife of Adam while, the Hebrew tradition clearly does, assigning to her the status of Demon or Fallen Angel. There is some speculation that there may have been more than one Lilith. Lilith the wife of Adam and Lilith the daughter of the pair. Some traditions even assign Eve as a daughter of Adam and Lilith however, this is not clear.

The Greek mythologies preserve the memory of Lilith as a Titan or force of nature, and the Egyptians preserve her as the Goddess Nut (Sky goddess)

Archaelogy in Mesopotamia also preserves a trace of Lilith but elaborates a bit further on the relationship by differentiating between a native and immigrant population from a land Dilmun (Early Mesopotamian Trade Partner). It must be noted that Lilith and her relationship to Adam is (as is the identity of Adam and his relationship to Even and to God) are all mythological. The earliest actual historical person who can be identified with certainty is Adam's son Cain (Seken-Ka, the Scorpion King), and Iry-Hor the son of Cain who are both preserved in both Egyptian archaeological record and Hebrew record. The identities of Scorpion's brothers (the rest of the sons of Adam) are identified through reconciliation of the Egyptian record with regard to the history of Cain as preserved in the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek records with those of Mesopotamia.
382/7 <20+21!+23!> (Lugal) Meshulahim (I or II) of Sumeria (Mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: Lugal-Kalama (King of the Land)
According to Benjamin Thorpe "Grimm says the word embla, emla, signifies a busy woman, from amr, ambr, aml, ambl, assidous labour; the same relation as Meshia and Meshiane, the ancient Persian names of the first man and woman, who were also formed from trees.

In Greek mythology he is killed in the conflagration brought about by the lightning bolts generated by his father and banished to Tartarus (the underworld). This may be a reference to the same event shared in other mythologies of the region in connection with Japhet I, a stone age king whose reign ushered in the ice age and whose people survived by taking shelter in extensive underground cave systems.

In Greek his name is Menoetius but he is not to be confused with the man of the same name who lived a century prior to the Trojan war and who was the son of Actor and the father of Patroclus.
423/7 <25+24!> Ishtar ? (Daughter of Alulim-enki) [Caduceus]
الميلاد: Princess of Ummah
اللقب المميّز: Lady of Uruk
334/7 <25+24!> (дубль) Eanatum I (Atman) [Caduceus]
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
الميلاد: -2550?
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
более ранняя запись - Person:620075

см. также wikipedia:Eannatum

  • Not to be confused with The mythologized version of the first man

ru:Person:32367 Judeo/Christian Mythology

ru:Person:372338 Islamic Mythology

Adam is a prime example of an Amalgamated Hero[١]. An amalgamated hero is one where the deeds and qualities of several individuals are lumped into one and centered around a single individual. This individual is then relegated to the status of mythological as more deeds and qualities are attributed to them after their death. The problem is that sometimes the myth can no longer be separated from the mythologized individual. Sometimes however emerging scientific and archaeological evidence allows us to distinguish reality and myth and at that point an individual can emerge to be located in time/history through discovery of contemporary records that can be corroborated by the hard sciences (Paleography, Archaeology, Geography, Microbiology/DNA etc).

Historical Adam

This king is the same king that appears as the ancestor of both Melchizedek and Abraham in the ancient historical texts of the Middle-East (Kassite period, 16th-14th century BC). Dismissing the mythological attributes of the story allows us to date this king to the founding of Eridu around ca. 5400 BC. Eridu is according to the archaeological record the oldest found human settlement in the region. (Second only to Gobeketepli) in the upper regions of the Levant.

The mostly likely candidate for an historical Adam was Eanatum the son of king Alulim of Sumeria whose capital was located in Eridu. In the earliest written texts of the Sumerians this mortal king Eanatum/Etana (Adana) is the impotent king who after having eaten of the tree of life sired a son named Balih (Abel). In the texts of the Sumerians Eanatum's height is given as 5 cubits and 1 span (9 feet 2 inches, 2.79 meters)

The Sumerians attribute this king with a reign of 1,500 years between the years 14,434-12,934. Again these years are clearly mythological or else the Sumerian calendar was based on something other than a standard solar or lunar year. It is possible that the Ancient Sumerians and their near neighbors used a calendering system which was based on a seasonal or semi-annual Floodcycle (weeks or days) may have been in use resulting in some very skewed reporting relative to human longevity and regnal lengths. Additionally it is believed by some scholars that the Sumerian Kings list may be represent a list of extraterrestrial beingsYeepee! with exceptional lifespans who were worshiped as gods by the early human populations, whereas others believe the kings lists may be a sort of summary (mnemonic device) to capture and preserve the memory of lands and dynasties long past. With the advances in the field of Genetics stretching the timeline of human origins beyond the boundaries of recorded history the legendary and mythological origins of the Sumerians becomes worth saving, with the caveat that emergence from the Ice age would have rendered any geographical reference moot since the survivors of such and event would have built new cities and countries named after the old ones which existed prior to existing written records. The genealogy of Eanatum can be reconstructed from surviving Mesopotamian texts to the 4th generation before being merged with the general Sumerian kings lists.

The Myth of Etana/Adana and his son Balih correspond directly to the Adam/Abel of the Habiru, and the Atman/Apis-Abel of the Egyptians. All of which feature a tree of life motif. The genealogy represented here is based on the Egyptian and Sumerian, and Indo Parthian traditions with references to concurrent myths of the surrounding people (who no doubt were trade partners, allies, and enemies of the Sumerians and early Mesopotamian people). The Egyptian records in this instance are used because of the substantial temporal record which allows us to assign reasonable regnal lengths to the history of these kings and locate them in place and time. The wealth of preserved archaeological and pictographic evidence among the Egyptians confirms the common history and has survived the general destructive forces of man and nature.

The year of the treaty is generally accepted as 2550 BCE however this dating is still problematic, the possibility that the records are older exists.
415/7 <25+24!> (дубль) Enanatum [Caduceus]
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
الزواج: <4> w Лето [Титаниды]
اللقب المميّز: -2550, Guardian of Gu'Edena
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
более ранняя запись - Person:103832

сомнительная информация

информация о том, что имел сына Person:335691 - сомнительна и требует подтверждения источниками

информация о том, что имел сына Person:335688 - сомнительна и требует подтверждения источниками
486/7 <24+25!> (дубль) Eanatum I (Atman) [Caduceus]
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
السكن: < -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
более ранняя запись - Person:620075

قالب:Place name error قالب:Needsources قالب:Controversial

Not to be confused with The mythologized version of the first man

Person:103832 Judeo/Christian Mythology

id:Person:372338 Islamic Mythology

Adam is a prime example of an Amalgamated Hero. An amalgamated hero is one where the deeds and qualities of several individuals are lumped into one and centered around a single individual. This individual is then relegated to the status of mythological as more deeds and qualities are attributed to them after their death. The problem is that sometimes the myth can no longer be separated from the mythologized individual. Sometimes however emerging scientific and archaeological evidence allows us to distinguish reality and myth and at that point an individual can emerge to be located in time/history through discovery of contemporary records that can be corroborated by the hard sciences (Paleography, Archaeology, Geography, Microbiology/DNA etc).

Historical Adam

This king is the same king that appears as the ancestor of both Melchizedek and Abraham in the ancient historical texts of the Middle-East (Kassite period, 16th-14th century BC). Dismissing the mythological attributes of the story allows us to date this king to the founding of Eridu around ca. 5400 BC. Eridu is according to the archaeological record the oldest found human settlement in the region. (Second only to Gobeketepli) in the upper regions of the Levant.

The mostly likely candidate for an historical Adam was Eanatum the son of king Alulim of Sumeria whose capital was located in Eridu. In the earliest written texts of the Sumerians this mortal king Eanatum/Etana (Adana) is the impotent king who after having eaten of the tree of life sired a son named Balih (Abel). In the texts of the Sumerians Eanatum's height is given as 5 cubits and 1 span (9 feet 2 inches, 2.79 meters)

The Sumerians attribute this king with a reign of 1,500 years between the years 14,434-12,934. Again these years are clearly mythological or else the Sumerian calendar was based on something other than a standard solar or lunar year. It is possible that the Ancient Sumerians and their near neighbors used a calendering system which was based on a seasonal or semi-annual Floodcycle (weeks or days) may have been in use resulting in some very skewed reporting relative to human longevity and regnal lengths. Additionally it is believed by some scholars that the Sumerian Kings list may be represent a list of extraterrestrial beings with exceptional lifespans who were worshiped as gods by the early human populations, whereas others believe the kings lists may be a sort of summary (mnemonic device) to capture and preserve the memory of lands and dynasties long past. With the advances in the field of Genetics stretching the timeline of human origins beyond the boundaries of recorded history the legendary and mythological origins of the Sumerians becomes worth saving, with the caveat that emergence from the Ice age would have rendered any geographical reference moot since the survivors of such and event would have built new cities and countries named after the old ones which existed prior to existing written records. The genealogy of Eanatum can be reconstructed from surviving Mesopotamian texts to the 4th generation before being merged with the general Sumerian kings lists.

The Myth of Etana/Adana and his son Balih correspond directly to the Adam/Abel of the Habiru, and the Atman/Apis-Abel of the Egyptians. All of which feature a tree of life motif. The genealogy represented here is based on the Egyptian and Sumerian, and Indo Parthian traditions with references to concurrent myths of the surrounding people (who no doubt were trade partners, allies, and enemies of the Sumerians and early Mesopotamian people). The Egyptian records in this instance are used because of the substantial temporal record which allows us to assign reasonable regnal lengths to the history of these kings and locate them in place and time. The wealth of preserved archaeological and pictographic evidence among the Egyptians confirms the common history and has survived the general destructive forces of man and nature.
317/7 <22> Иобаат [Яфетиды]
348/7 <22> Киттим [?]
359/7 <22> Доданим [?]
3610/7 <22> Иобаат [?]
3711/7 <22> Элиса [?]
3912/7 <22> Anchiale [?]
Anchiale, daughter of Iapetus, founded Anchiale (a city near Tarsus): her son was Cydnus, who gave his name to the river at Tarsus: the son of Cydnus was Parthenius, from whom the city was called Parthenia: afterwards the name was changed to Tarsus.
4013/7 <20+?+21!+?+23!> Gunidu son of Gursar (of Lagash) [Hetes Scepter]
4314/7 <26+?> Yadu ? (Yudishthira II, Yadavashi) [?]
4415/7 <26+?> Turvasu [?]
Father of the Priest Kings of Arzawaya Ancestor of Person:79265
4516/7 <26+?> Drahyu [?]
4617/7 <26+?> Anuh ? (Anu) [?]
4718/7 <26+?> Puru ? (Purushamriga) [Pauravashi]


501/8 <32+41!> Isis-Ephtah I ? (Ka-derceto, Semma-nut, Hetes Scepter) [?]
السكن: Serepta (Cyprus)
اللقب المميّز: Mother of the God
اللقب المميّز: Consort of Apophus, Sebennytos
اللقب المميّز: Consort of Ares
While some equate her with the goddess Hathor, others show a strong affinity to the Egyptian goddess Isis: At the beginning of the Roman period (1000 BC) temples to Isis were built in Iraq, Greece and Rome, with a well preserved example discovered in Pompeii. On the Greek island of Delos a Doric Temple of Isis was built on a high over-looking hill at the beginning of the Roman period to venerate the familiar trinity of Isis, the Alexandrian Serapis and Anubis. Prior to this Aphrodite's chief center of worship remained at Paphos, on the south-western coast of Cyprus, where the goddess of desire had been worshipped from the early Iron Age as Isis/Ishtar and Ashtaroth. While Hebrew scholars say that Kalimath Azura (variously, Aklia, Climia Aklemia and Kali Azura) associate her to the Hebrew pantheon as a daughter of Geb/Gebel and Lilith the younger.

Interestingly, regardless of which view is taken of Aphrodite's origins, the mythology all agrees that she was native to Sereptha (Cyprus) and associated with the "Clan of the Shell" or given (in the case of the Greeks) an aquatic birth (Semma-nut). The cult of Onuris was first attested in the Thinite Nome near Abydos, from the Old Kingdom and Onuris-Shu and his consort Mehyt had cult centres at both Samannud and This.

According to Herodotus, Azura (Aphrodite) was the daughter of the God Serapis (Osirus) and Isis. But Greek mythology is notoriously inaccurate; according to Egyptian records Azura (Isis I) was the wife of Serapis (Osirus) and mother of Isis. Given the Egyptian penchant for endogamous marriage to ones siblings and offspring, it is possible for both legends to be at least partially accurate with Isis as both the daughter and wife of Osirus. Or else there were two queens named Isis (Mother and daughter of Osirus / Aphrodite and Isis) whose attributes and Iconography were later fused together as one goddess in the mythologies.

In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris (Scorpion I), who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Seth. However Osirus was resurrected with all parts intact except a penis which could indicate that Horus was the postumous levirate son of Osirus (fathered by Seth).

Most Egyptian deities first appeared as very local cults and throughout their history retained those local centers of worship, with most major cities and towns widely known as the home of these deities. Isis originally was an independent and popular deity established in predynastic times, prior to 3100 B.C., at Sebennytos in the northern delta

[| Aphrodite]
602/8 <40> Urnanshe I ? (Ur-Nanshe) [Hetes Scepter]
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
Likely the descendant of Person:633507

Built the following monuments:

  • Ibgal of Bagara = The Shrine of Offering in the House of the Gods
  • Girsu - City Built in honor of the Deified King
  • Kinir Sanctuary
  • Tirash Sanctuary
  • Ningar Sanctuary
  • Edam Sanctuary
  • Gate of Megate
  • Abzu'e Sanctuary
  • Great Wall of Lagash
  • Saman Canal
  • Asuhur Canal

First complete mention of the Pre-Sargonic Pantheon:

  • Nanshe = Goddess
  • Gatumdug = Goddess
  • Nin-Marki = Goddess
  • Ninesh = Goddess
  • Ningidri = Goddess
  • Shulsha = God
  • Kindazi = God
  • Gushudu = God
  • Lama'u'e = Goddess
  • Lugal-Urtur = God
Note: These aforementioned gods may in fact be deified Kings and Queens.
613/8 <41+32!> Enmetena [Caduceus]
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Guardian of Gu'Edena
624/8 <42+38!> Ushi [?]
اللقب المميّز: King of Ummah
اللقب المميّز: Prince of Uruk
525/8 <33+?> Zawty Siamak (Siyāmak) (Clan of the Wolf) [Tainite Dynasty]
السكن: Lycopolis (Asyut)
اللقب المميّز: Tainite Dynasty 0
السكن: Gebel Tjauty
اللقب المميّز:  ? -2713, Sumer, King of Sumerian, 2nd
الزواج: <5> الشّخص:500083 [?]
الوفاة: -2758?
см.также wikipedia:Sesostris

In Zorastrian Mythology Shem is the dark haired son of Keyumars. (В зорастрийской мифологии Сим - темноволосый сын Кеймарса.)

In Egyptian mythology Shem is associated with the black wolf (A precursor of Anubis) and whose name was given to the ancient city of Asyut (in Greek referred to as Lycanopolis). (В египетской мифологии Сим ассоциируется с черным волком (предшественником Анубиса), именем которого был назван древний город Асьют (по-гречески Ликанополис).)

In Sumerian mythology a son of Etana named after the Sumerian warrior god Shamash. (В шумерской мифологии сын Этаны назван в честь шумерского бога-воина Шамаша.)

In the writings of Herodotus he is a king named Sesostris of Egypt conquered the known world from Ethiopia of the Labaid to the Colchis (Caucusus mountains), Scythia, and the Rivers of the Ponti, and established a system of law based on the will of the "God" (В сочинениях Геродота он - царь Египта по имени Сесострис, завоевавший известный мир от Эфиопии Лабайда до Колхиды (Кавказские горы), Скифии и рек Понти, и установил систему права, основанную на воле Бог")

Although this war, the Battle of Vesosus and Tanais, has been supposed by many to have to have occurred after the great flood and in connection with events between 1323-1290 BC between the Goths and Egyptians, this dating is not supported by archaeological record. However battle is consistent with the conflict between the Post Abellian (Dynasty 00) Egyptian and Akkadian conflict between Cain (Tainite Dynasty 0) and Seth (Akkadian dynasty 1) as recorded in the archaeological records of Tainite Dynasty memorials in Egypt. (Хотя многие предполагали, что эта война, битва при Весозе и Танаисе, произошла после великого потопа и в связи с событиями между готами и египтянами между 1323–1290 годами до нашей эры, эта датировка не подтверждается археологическими данными. Однако битва согласуется с конфликтом между пост-Абеллианским (династия 00) египетским и аккадским конфликтом между Каином (тайнитская династия 0) и Сетом (аккадская династия 1), как записано в археологических записях мемориалов тайнитской династии в Египте.)

сомнительная информация

Информация о том, что сыном жены Zawty Siamak был Person:32394 - крайне сомнительна и требует подтверждения источниками.
496/8 <31> Боат [Яфетиды]
517/8 <32+41!> Ninkurra Hathor [Hetes Scepter] 538/8 <36> Боат [?]
549/8 <37> Дор [?]
5510/8 <37> Ксуф [?] 5611/8 <37> Эол [?] 5712/8 <39+?> Cydnus [?]
Anchiale, daughter of Iapetus, founded Anchiale (a city near Tarsus): her son was Cydnus, who gave his name to the river at Tarsus: the son of Cydnus was Parthenius, from whom the city was called Parthenia: afterwards the name was changed to Tarsus.
5813/8 <37> Дардан [Дарданиды] 5914/8 <41+32!> Wadjet [Hetes Scepter]
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