Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta)

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سلالة Ahheyaites
الجنس ذكر
الإسم الكامل Jama Seth
ألقاب أخرى Yima Xšaēta
أسماء أخرى Jamshied, Japheth (Hurrian Tradition), Jhvh (Hebrew Tradition, Menes-Yjehnwneb (Pre-Sargonic Inscriptions)

Vištaspa ? (Hystaspes) [Ahheyaites]

Hutaōsa [Hetes Scepter]

صفحة ويكي wikipedia:Jamshid


الميلاد: Airyanem Vaejah

ولادة الطفل: Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana) [Hetes Scepter]

ولادة الطفل: Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes]) [?]

ولادة الطفل: Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]

ولادة الطفل: Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]

الزواج: Hokhmah Hiku-Ptah Ma'at (Clan of the Lion, Erinyes Ananaki) [Sephirot]


قالب:Mythological قالب:Needsources

There are two Japheths. One that is associated with the flood (son of Noah) And one (the son of Vištaspa/Hystaspes) that significantly predates the notion of Noah and is associated with the onset of an ice age. These are two distinct persons from entirely different sources.

In the second chapter of the Vendidad of the Avesta, the omniscient Creator Ahura Mazda asks Yima, a good shepherd, to receive his law and bring it to men. However, Yima refuses, and so Ahura Mazda charges him with a different mission: to rule over and nourish the earth, to see that the living things prosper. This Yima accepts, and Ahura Mazda presents him with a golden seal and a dagger inlaid with gold.

Yima rules as king for three hundred years, and soon the earth was full of men, flocks of birds and herds of animals. He deprived the daevas, who were demonic servants of the evil Ahriman, of wealth, herds and reputation during his reign. Good men, however, lived lives of plenty, and were neither sick nor aged. Father and son walked together, each appearing no older than fifteen. Ahura Mazda visits him once more, warning him of this overpopulation. Yima, shining with light, faced southwards and pressed the golden seal against the earth and boring into it with the poniard, says "O Spenta Armaiti, kindly open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men."

The earth swells and Yima rules for another six hundred years before the same problem occurred once more. Once again he pressed the seal and dagger to the earth and asked the ground to swell up to bear more men and beasts, and the earth swells again. Nine hundred years later, the earth was full again. The same solution is employed, the earth swelling again.

The next part of the story tells of a meeting of Ahura Mazda and the Yazatas in Airyanem Vaejah, the first of the "perfect lands". Yima attends with a group of "the best of mortals", where Ahura Mazda warns him of an upcoming catastrophe: "O fair Yima, son of Vivaŋhat! Upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall bring the fierce, deadly frost; upon the material world the evil winters are about to fall, that shall make snow-flakes fall thick, even an arədvi deep on the highest tops of mountains."

Ahura Mazda advises Yima to construct a Vara (Avestan: enclosure) in the form of a multi-level cavern underground, two miles (3 km) long and two miles (3 km) wide. This he is to populate with the fittest of men and women; and with two of every animal, bird and plant; and supply with food and water gathered the previous summer. Yima creates the Vara by crushing the earth with a stamp of his foot, and kneading it into shape as a potter does to clay. He creates streets and buildings, and brings nearly two thousand people to live therein. He creates artificial light, and finally seals the Vara with a golden ring.

This myth could very well be the origin of the myths of Atlantis. The name of the land in which they Jamshied dwells is called Airyanem Vaejah. Or Kingdom of the Blessed which the Greeks referred to as the Kingdom of the Blessed.

Adam the first man in this myth referred to as Yima is asked to become the steward over all living things. This he does willingly and mankind prospers. After several hundred years the earth becomes overpopulated. Yima uses the power of the sun (his golden seal) to expand the land by melting the glaciers and exposing new territories. This cycle of overpopulating and expanding continues unchecked for several dispensations until at last God warns Yima (Man) that a catastrophy is about to occur with the onset of a new glacial age. And in order to save himself and mankind as well as plant life and animals he is to build a cave...or box... in which he takes two of every plant and creature to escape the impending doom.

This later story bears a strong resemblance to the story of Noah... except that in Noah's case the cave is an ark and the destruction will be by flood (i.e. deglaciation).


  1. Um 7.1 (Pre-Sargonic Royal Inscriptions) - - Menes-Yjehnwneb, High king of all known lands

من الأجداد إلى الأحفاد

Oenaeus (Anenas) ?
الميلاد: General
اللقب المميّز: King of Mari
Semiramis I ? (Contemporary of Zarathuštra of Bactria)
الميلاد: -8140 ? -6000
اللقب المميّز: Queen of Ahurziya - Reigned 42 years
الزواج: Ninus I Nameses (Ningirsu)
== 3 ==
Lugalzagesi Lugal-Zagesi (the Shepherd)
السكن: Aireyanum Veija, Black Sea Region
اللقب المميّز: King of Umma
العمل: Ishib-Priest of El-Ahn
العمل: Ilumah-Priest of Nisaba
العمل: Ensigal Priest of Enlil
اللقب المميّز: High King of Mesopotamia and Areyanum
Hokhmah Hiku-Ptah Ma'at (Clan of the Lion, Erinyes Ananaki)
الميلاد: Areyanum Veija
أخرى: Tongue of Ptah
أخرى: Divine Wisdom
الزواج: Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta)
== 3 ==
Sabazeus ? (Argentaios)
السكن: Tartessos
Renenutet Lilitu (the Elder)
الميلاد: Terenuthis (Land of Night)
Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim)
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: -4000?, King of Marhashi
Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes])
اللقب المميّز: King of Zabalam
اللقب المميّز: King of Suruppak
Alulim ? (Alulim-enki)
اللقب المميّز: King of Ummah (Yamuna)
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Prince of Dilmun
Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana)
اللقب المميّز: Princess of Zabalam
Lilith Themis (the Younger)
الميلاد: Sumeria
(дубль) Eanatum I (Atman)
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
الميلاد: -2550?
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
(Lugal) Meshulahim (I or II) of Sumeria (Mesalim)
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: Lugal-Kalama (King of the Land)
(дубль) Enanatum
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
الزواج: Лето
اللقب المميّز: -2550, Guardian of Gu'Edena
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
Ishtar ? (Daughter of Alulim-enki)
الميلاد: Princess of Ummah
اللقب المميّز: Lady of Uruk
(дубль) Eanatum I (Atman)
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
السكن: < -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra

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