Hokhmah Hiku-Ptah Ma'at (Clan of the Lion, Erinyes Ananaki)

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سلالة Sephirot
الجنس أنثى
الإسم الكامل Hokhmah Hiku-Ptah Ma'at
ألقاب أخرى Clan of the Lion, Erinyes Ananaki
أسماء أخرى Shekina (Aramaic), Chochmah (Hebrew), Hokhima (Arabic), Tefnyt (Egyptian), Erinyes Ananaki (Greek), Skakti (Sanskrit), Hiku-Ptah (Egyptian), Themis the Oracle (Greek)

Ratu Zarathustra ? (Zoroaster The Magi) [Spitamid]

Huvovi [?]

صفحة ويكي wikipedia:Heket


الميلاد: Areyanum Veija

ولادة الطفل: Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]

ولادة الطفل: Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes]) [?]

ولادة الطفل: Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]

ولادة الطفل: Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana) [Hetes Scepter]

أخرى: Tongue of Ptah

أخرى: Divine Wisdom

الزواج: Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta) [Ahheyaites]


قالب:Needsources قالب:Mythological

In the Cabala Hokhmah is the second of the 10 Divine Sephira (Enumerations or attributes) of God.

In Eygptian Mythology

Tefnut (Tefenet, Tefnet), also referred to as "Eye of Ra" and "Hikuptah" was both a Lunar and Solar Goddess, as well as a creative force as the 'Tongue of Ptah'. Her name itself is related to water - tf tf is the root of the words for 'spit' and 'moist'. Her name translates to something like 'She of Moisture'.

Tefnut was generally shown as a woman with a lion's head, or as a full lioness bbearing the solar disk and uraeus, as well as a sceptre and the ankh sign of life.


  1. Book of Enoch -

من الأجداد إلى الأحفاد

Ratu Zarathustra ? (Zoroaster The Magi)
fact 1: Flourished (Assyrian Dating)
العمل: Priest of Zarvana Akarana
fact 1: -8140, Airyanem Vaējah (Ērān Wēj), Flourished (Adjusted Data according to the Common Calendar)
fact 1: -6486, Flourished (According to Xanthus the Lydian)
== 3 ==
Lugalzagesi Lugal-Zagesi (the Shepherd)
السكن: Aireyanum Veija, Black Sea Region
اللقب المميّز: King of Umma
العمل: Ishib-Priest of El-Ahn
العمل: Ilumah-Priest of Nisaba
العمل: Ensigal Priest of Enlil
اللقب المميّز: High King of Mesopotamia and Areyanum
Hokhmah Hiku-Ptah Ma'at (Clan of the Lion, Erinyes Ananaki)
الميلاد: Areyanum Veija
أخرى: Tongue of Ptah
أخرى: Divine Wisdom
الزواج: Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta)
== 3 ==
Sabazeus ? (Argentaios)
السكن: Tartessos
Renenutet Lilitu (the Elder)
الميلاد: Terenuthis (Land of Night)
Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim)
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: -4000?, King of Marhashi
Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes])
اللقب المميّز: King of Zabalam
اللقب المميّز: King of Suruppak
Alulim ? (Alulim-enki)
اللقب المميّز: King of Ummah (Yamuna)
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Prince of Dilmun
Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana)
اللقب المميّز: Princess of Zabalam
Lilith Themis (the Younger)
الميلاد: Sumeria
(дубль) Eanatum I (Atman)
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
الميلاد: -2550?
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
(Lugal) Meshulahim (I or II) of Sumeria (Mesalim)
اللقب المميّز: King of Kish
اللقب المميّز: Lugal-Kalama (King of the Land)
(дубль) Enanatum
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
الزواج: Лето
اللقب المميّز: -2550, Guardian of Gu'Edena
السكن: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
Ishtar ? (Daughter of Alulim-enki)
الميلاد: Princess of Ummah
اللقب المميّز: Lady of Uruk
(дубль) Eanatum I (Atman)
اللقب المميّز: King of Lagash
اللقب المميّز: Patesi
السكن: < -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra

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