Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens م 1847 و 1872 - الشجرة كاملة
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This tree contains: 5 families with 25 people in 4 lineages, 8 of these people are blood relatives; 2 families with 2 people are hidden.
♂ Augustus Newnham Dickens
الميلاد: 1827, London, England
الوفاة: 4 October 1866, Chicago, USA
الدفن: Chicago, USA, Graceland Cemetery
الوفاة: 4 October 1866, Chicago, USA
الدفن: Chicago, USA, Graceland Cemetery
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♀ Mary Angela Dickens
الميلاد: 6 مارس 1838, London, England
الوفاة: 1896, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England
الوفاة: 1896, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England
♂ Alfred d'Orsay Tennyson Dickens
الميلاد: 1845, London, England, 1 Devonshire Terrace
الزواج: ♀ Augusta Jessie Devlin (Dickens) , Melbourne, Australia
الوفاة: 30 ديسمبر 1912, New York City, USA
الزواج: ♀ Augusta Jessie Devlin (Dickens) , Melbourne, Australia
الوفاة: 30 ديسمبر 1912, New York City, USA
♂ Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens
الميلاد: يناير 1852, England
الوفاة: 23 يناير 1902, Moree (New South Wales), Australia
الوفاة: 23 يناير 1902, Moree (New South Wales), Australia
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