جدول زمني، ,Pharaoh of Egypt

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قائمة الأشخاص المعنيّة : ”Pharaoh of Egypt

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  1. w Psammetichus I [26th Dynasty - Egypt] و -610
  2. w Piankhy (Piankhi) ? (Paqattereru) [?] و -716
  3. Boethos (Boniter) Hotepsekhemwy [2nd Dynasty - Egypt]
  4. Sem ? (Biblical) [Genesis]
  5. w Taharqa (Tariqa) ? (Nefertemkhure) [25th Dynasty - Egypt]
  6. < -3300 Horus Khenti-maa (Kemwer Harmity) [Dynasty 0 - Egypt] و -3300
  7. -3250 ? -3100 Hor-Aha ? (Horusaha) [1st Dynasty - Egypt]
  8. -3000? Egyptus Merneith (Meryt-Neith) [1st Dynasty - Egypt]
  9. -3000? Menes Aha ? (Menes) [Dynasty 0 - Egypt]
  10. -2950? Semerkhet [1st Dynasty - Egypt]
  11. -2704 ? -2686 Хасехемуи Хамович [Хамовичи] و -2686
  12. -2686 ? -2667 Sanakte-Djoserty ? (Tosarthros, Sadjeser) [3rd Dynasty - Egypt]
  13. -2649 ? -2625 Сехемхет [Хамиты]
  14. -2640 ? 2637 Хаба [3rd Dynasty - Egypt]
  15. -2637 ? -2613 Huni ? (Kerpheris) [3rd Dynasty - Egypt]
  16. -2613 ? -2589 Sneferu (Soris) [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  17. -2589 ? -2566 Хеопс [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  18. -2566 ? -2558 Djedefra (Radjedef) [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  19. -2558 ? -2532 Khafra (Khafre) ? (Khaf-Ra) [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  20. -2503 ? -2498 Shepseskaf [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  21. -2494 ? -2487 Irimaat Userkaf [5th Dynasty - Egypt]
  22. -2490 ? -2472 Menkaure (Men-Kau-Ra) [4th Dynasty - Egypt]
  23. -2487 ? -2475 Sahure ? (Nebkhau) [5th Dynasty - Egypt]
  24. -2484? Merenre Nemtyemsaf II [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  25. -2460 ? -2458 w Neferefre (Raneferef) [5th Dynasty - Egypt]
  26. -2421 ? -2414 w Khentykauhor ? (Menkauhor Kaiu) [5th Dynasty - Egypt]
  27. -2414 ? -2375 w Djedkare Isesi ? (Tancheres) [5th Dynasty - Egypt]
  28. -2345 ? 2333 Тети [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  29. -2332 ? -2283 w Pepi I Meryre (Neferdjahor) [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  30. -2283 ? -2278 Merenre Nemtyemsaf I [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  31. -2278 ? -2184 w Pepi II Neferkare [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  32. -2184 ? -2181 Nitekreti (Nitocris) [6th Dynasty - Egypt]
  33. -1991 ? -1962 w Amenemhat I [12th Dynasty - Egypt]
  34. -1897 ? -1878 w Senusret II [12th Dynasty - Egypt]
  35. -1878 ? -1839 w Senusret III ? (Sesostris) [12th Dynasty - Egypt]
  36. -1860 ? -1814 w Amenemhat III [12th Dynasty - Egypt]
  37. -1815 ? -1806 w Amenemhat IV [12th Dynasty - Egypt]
  38. -1560 ? -1558 Sequenenra Tao II [17th Dynasty - Egypt] م < -1570
  39. -1555 ? -1550 Камос [XVII Династия Древнего Египта] و -1549
  40. -1550 ? -1525 Ahmose I The Moon is Born [18th Dynasty]
  41. -1550 ? -1525 Amasis I [?]
  42. -1526 ? -1506 Amenhotep I Amenophis (Amun is Satisfied) [18th Dynasty]
  43. -1506 ? -1493 Thutmose I (Thoth is Born) [18th Dynasty]
  44. -1493 ? w Thutmose II (Khebron) ? (Thoth is Born) [18th Dynasty]
  45. -1427 ? -1400 Amenhotep II Amāna-Ḥātpa (Amun is Satisfied) [18th Dynasty]
  46. يونيو -1401 ? ديسمبر -1391 Thutmose IV Thoth is Born [18th Dynasty]
  47. -1332 ? -1323 Onan [Judahite] م ?
  48. -1319 ? -1292 Er [Judahite]
  49. -1295 ? -1294 Рамсес I [Epherat & Minas]
  50. -1290 ? -1279 Menmaatre Seti I Merenptah (Man of Set, Beloved of Ptah) [19th Dynasty - Egypt]

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