Arik-den-ili - جرد الجدول

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11/1 <?> Arik-den-ili [Aseraph]
fact 1: Contemporary of Nazi-Marutash of Babylon
اللقب المميّز: -1319 ? -1296, King of Assyria


21/2 <1> Adad-nirari I [Aseraph]
اللقب المميّز: -1307 ? -1263, King of Assyria
Surviving records indicate that he defeated King Nazimaruttash of Kassites, at the battle of Kar-Ishtar. He also defeated Mitanni kings Shattuara I and his son Wasashatta.


31/3 <2> Shalmaneser I ? (Shulmanu-asharedu) [Aseraph]
الميلاد: -1274
اللقب المميّز: -1265 ? -1235
Defeated Shattuara, king of Hanilgalbat, and his Hittite and Ahlamu allies

Annual limmu officials beginning with the year of accession of Šulmanu-ašared. The list is partly derived from Freydank[2] and McIntyre[3]. The exact order of the earliest limmus is conjectural but the ordering from Šerriya onwards is essentially fixed.

  • 1265 Adad-šumu-lešir son of Sin-ašared
  • 1264 Šulmanu-ašared (king)
  • 1263 Mušabšiu-Šibitti
  • 1262 Ber-šumu-iddina
  • 1261 Abi-ili son Aššur-šumu-lešir
  • 1260 Aššur-alik-pana
  • 1259 Adad-Šamši son of Adad-šumu-lešir
  • 1258 Kidin-Sin son Adad-teya
  • 1257 Šerriya
  • 1256 Aššur-kašid
  • 1255 Aššur-mušabši son of Iddin-Mer
  • 1254 Aššur-mušabši son of Anu-mušallim
  • 1253 Qibi-Aššur son of Šamaš-aḫa-iddina
  • 1252 Aššur-nadin-šume
  • 1251 Mušallim-Aššur
  • 1250 Qibi-Aššur son of Ṣilli-Marduk
  • 1249 Ina-pi-Aššur-lišlim son of Babu-aḫa-iddina
  • 1248 Ber-šumu-lešir son of Ete-pi-Tašmete
  • 1247 Aššur-dammiq son of Abi-ili
  • 1246 Ber-bel-lite
  • 1245 Ištar-eriš son of Šulmanu-qarrad
  • 1244 Lullayu son of Adad-šumu-iddina
  • 1243 Aššur-ketti-ide son of Abi-ili
  • 1242 Ekaltayu
  • 1241 Aššur-daʼissunu son of Ululayu
  • 1240 Riš-Adad
  • 1239 Nabu-bela-uṣur
  • 1238 Usat-Marduk
  • 1237 Ellil-ašared
  • 1236 Ittabši-den-Aššur
  • 1235 Ubru


41/4 <3> Tukulti-Ninurta I [Aseraph]
اللقب المميّز: -1243 ? -1207, King of Assyria
Defeated Kashtiliash IV, the Kassite king and captured the rival city of Babylon


51/5 <4> Ashur-nadin-apli [Aseraph]
الميلاد: -1207
اللقب المميّز: -1204 ? -1196, King of Assyria-Deposed
الوفاة: -1194
62/5 <4> Enlil-kudurri-usur [Aseraph]
اللقب المميّز: -1187 ? -1193
73/5 <4> Ashurnasirpal [Aseraph]


81/6 <7> Ashur-nirari III [Aseraph]
92/6 <5> Puzurasher ? (The Babylonian) [Aseraph]
Not to be confused with Person:32437


101/7 <9> Ninurta-apal-Ekur [Aseraph]
الميلاد: -1192 ? -1180, King of Assyria
fact 1: great-great-great grandson of Adad-nirari I


111/8 <10> Ashur-dan I [Aseraph]
اللقب المميّز: -1179 ? -1133, King of Assyria
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