Bertrand Ier de Bruniquel - جرد الجدول

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11/1 <?> Bertrand Ier de Bruniquel [Bruniquel]


21/2 <1> Bertrand II de Bruniquel [Bruniquel]
الميلاد: 1230
الوفاة: 1295


31/3 <2+?> Gaillarde de Bruniquel [Bruniquel]
الميلاد: 1255
42/3 <2+?> Guillaume Barasc de Bruniquel [Bruniquel]


51/4 <3+?> Richarde de Sévérac [Sévérac]
الميلاد: 1275
62/4 <3+?> Déodat IV de Sévérac [Sévérac]
73/4 <4> Renaud de Bruniquel [Bruniquel]


81/5 <5+?> Guillaume III d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1295
102/5 <7> Bertrande de (Toulouse-)Bruniquel [Bruniquel]
الميلاد: 1316
الوفاة: 22 أغسطس 1360
93/5 <6+?> Guy VII de Sévérac [Sévérac]


111/6 <8+?> Raimond III d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1320
132/6 <10+?> Isabeau Trousseau [Trousseau]
الميلاد: 1348
الوفاة: 1395
123/6 <9+?> Guy VIII de Sévérac (Guillonet le Posthume) [Sévérac]


161/7 <13+?> Raymond-Roger III de Comminges (Couserans) [Comminges]
اللقب المميّز: comte de Couserans
152/7 <11+?> Marguerite d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1345
143/7 <11+?> Jean d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1360
اللقب المميّز:  ?
الوفاة: 1420
878: County of Barcelona (independent from 987).

1137: Kingdom of Catalonia and Aragón. 1359: Generalitat established. 19 Jan 1479: Castille and Aragón united (from 1556 Spanish monarchy). 1617 - 1620: Luís d'Estenia (desTena) Governor of the Generalitat

  • 7 Sep 1640 - 13 Oct 1652: República Catalana Lliure declared by the General Luis desTena under the protection of King Louis XIII of France, who on 23 Jan 1641, is proclaimed Prince of Catalonia.
  • 7 Nov 1659, France formally recognizes Spanish rule of Catalonia by Treaty of the Pyrenees.
174/7 <12+?> Jeanne de Sévérac [Sévérac]
185/7 <13+?> Arnaud Roger de Comminges (Bruniquel) [Comminges]


241/8 <18+?> Raymond-Roger II de Comminges (Bruniquel) [Comminges]
اللقب المميّز: vicomte de Bruniquel
الزواج: <1> Delphine de Castelpers [Castelpers]
192/8 <14+?> Guillaume d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1385
223/8 <14+?> Baranne d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1390
204/8 <14+?> Begon d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1395
الوفاة: 1477
215/8 <14+?> Marguerite d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1400
236/8 <14> Raymond Myquiem (de Montaigne) [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1402
الوفاة: 1478
267/8 <17+?> Jean Ier d'Arpajon [Arpajon]
اللقب المميّز: vicomte d'Arpajon
الزواج: <2> Blanche de Chauvigny [Chauvigny]
الإرادة الرغبة الوصيّة: 1460
258/8 <16> Léonore de Comminges [Comminges]
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