Louis de Bourbon-Roussillon م 1447 و 1487 ? 1489 - جرد الجدول

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11/1 <?+?> Louis de Bourbon-Roussillon [Bourbon-Roussillon]
الميلاد: 1447
اللقب المميّز: 1466 - 1487, amiral de France
الوفاة: 1487 ? 1489


31/2 <1+?> Suzanne de Bourbon-Roussillon [Bourbon-Roussillon]
الميلاد: 1466
الزواج: <1> Jean de Chabannes [Chabannes]
الوفاة: 1531
22/2 <1+?> Anne Bourbon-Roussillon (Bourbonne, de Bourbon) [Bourbon-Roussillon]
الميلاد: 1467
الزواج: <2> Jean d'Arpajon [Arpajon] م 1465 و 1519
الوفاة: 1531
43/2 <1+?> Charles de Bourbon-Roussillon [Bourbon-Roussillon]
اللقب المميّز: Roussillon (38), comte de Roussillon
اللقب المميّز: Ligny-en-Barrois (55), comte de Ligny
الزواج: <3> Anne de La Tour d'Olliergues [La Tour]
الوفاة: 1510


51/3 <2+2> Charlotte d'Arpajon [Arpajon]
الميلاد: 1495, Fougere, France
62/3 <3+1> Antoinette de Chabannes [Chabannes]
الميلاد: 1498
اللقب المميّز: Saint-Fargeau (89), dame de Saint-Fargeau
الزواج: <4> René d'Anjou [Valois-Anjou] م 1483 و 1521
اللقب المميّز: 1503 - 1527, Dammartin-en-Goële (77), dame de Dammartin
الوفاة: 1527


71/4 <5+?> Francois d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1518
الزواج: <5> Catherine Chabanne (de Chabannes) [Chabannes] م 1522
82/4 <6+4> Antoinette d'Anjou [Valois-Anjou]


91/5 <7+5> Jean d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1560, Provence, France
الوفاة: 13 October 1621
112/5 <7+5> Antoine d'Estaine [Estaing]
الوفاة: 1586
103/5 <7+5> Thomas d'Estaine [Estaing]
الوفاة: 1611, Wivenhoe, Hertfordshire, England


121/6 <9+?> Jacques d'Estaing [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1583, Provence, Frankreich
132/6 <9+?> Jean Louis Henri d'Estaing (Estaine) [Estaing]
الميلاد: Provence, France
الزواج: <7> Louise Mousson (d'Apchon) [Apchon]
الوفاة: 1664
قالب:NeedsourcesCapitaine de Chevau-Légers: Name: Henry Tane Year: 1643 Place: Virginia Source Publication Code: 6219 Primary Immigrant: Tane, Henry Annotation: Date and place where land was patented and record was created listing those transported/imported. Only the names of those to be transported were indexed. Abstracted from Land Office records located at the Virginia State Library. See also source numbers 62 Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL M. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-6. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co., [1929-1931. Although vol. 6 ends with the year 1695, no other volumes were published.] Page: 205


141/7 <13+7> Jean Musson (de Val Bourg) [Estaing]
الميلاد: 1620, Provence, France, Arran,
الخدمة العسكريّة: Maréchal de Camp France, Commandeur de "Tortebesse"
الزواج: <8> Claudia Cambourcier [Cambourcier] م 1630 و 18 فبراير 1681
الوفاة: 1675, Provence, France, Gite Hoo, Arran, Mostous,


151/8 <14+8> Gaspard d'Estaing [Estaing]
الخدمة العسكريّة: France, Brigadier des Armées
172/8 <14+8> Jean d'Estain [Estaing]
الزواج: <9> Philippa Vance [Vance]
الهجرة: 1646, Yorktown (Virginia), Virginia
الوفاة: 23 يوليو 1723
163/8 <14+8> Charles d'Estaine [Estaing]
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