Eamon "Edward" de Valera م 14 October 1882 و 29 أغسطس 1975

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سلالة Valera
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الإسم الكامل Eamon "Edward" de Valera

Vivian Juan de Valera [Valera] م 1854? و 1886?

Catherine T. Coll [Coll] م 23 ديسمبر 1858 و 12 يونيو 1932

صفحة ويكي wikipedia:Éamon de Valera
الأرقام المرجعيّة GEDCOM::510018.ged::INDI @I24892966@::Hailey C. Shannon


14 October 1882 الميلاد: New York City

ولادة الطفل: Ψ Ruairi de Valera [Valera]

ولادة الطفل: Ψ Emer de Valera [Valera]

ولادة الطفل: Ψ Terry de Valera [Valera]

ولادة الطفل: Mairin de Valera [Valera]

8 يناير 1910 الزواج: Arran Quay, Sinead O'Flanagan [Flanagan] و يناير 1975

> سبتمبر 1910 ولادة الطفل: Vivion de Valera [Valera] م > سبتمبر 1910

1916 ولادة الطفل: Brian de Valera [Valera] م 1916

29 أغسطس 1975 الوفاة: Dublin, Ireland

الدفن: patriots cemetary at Glanevin Cemetary


Address:<ADDR> NY Bruree

DE VALERA, Eamon (1882-1975). An American-bornschoolteacher, Eamon De Valera became one of Ireland's greatest leaders in its struggle for independence. After the country was freed from British rule in 1922, he led it from 1932 to 1948, first as president of the executive council and later as prime minister. After the Republic of Ireland was proclaimed, he served two terms as its prime minister before he was elected president in 1959 and in 1966.    Edward De Valera was born in New York City on Oct. 14, 1882. His father was Spanish, and his mother Irish (Catherine Coll). When the boy was 2 years old his father died, and Edward, escorted by his Uncle Edward Coll, went to live with his grandmother in Bruree, County Limerick, Ireland in 1885. Examination Rolls for Bruree Male National School for 1889 show'Eddie Develira age 6'. In school he was a brilliant student and a good athlete, especially in track. Eamon attended the Christian Brothers school in Charleville, County Cork, then Blackrock College outside Dublin, where he studied classics and mathematics. He became known as Edward in school at BlackrockCollege where he won a scholarship. In 1904 he got a degree in mathematicsat Dublin Royal University, now the National University of Ireland. In the following years, he held several jobs teaching mathematics, physics and French. Eamon met Sinead (Jenny) Flanagan, another instructor; they married in Dublin on January 8, 1910, and their first son, Vivion, was born later that year. They had a total ofseven children, all born between 1910 and 1922: Vivion, Mairin, Eamon, Ruairi, Terry, Emer and Brian. Brian was born in 1916, and died in a riding accident in 1920.    For years De Valera gave little thought to politics. He taught languages and mathematics at several schools. He also joined the Gaelic League, which aimed to revive Irish culture and the ancient Gaelic language. In 1910 he married Jane O'Flanagan, a teacher of Gaelic. They later adopted the Gaelic versions of their names--Eamon and Sinead. The couple had five sons and two daughters.    In 1913 he joined the Volunteers, an underground army pledged to fight British rule. During the Easter Week rebellion in 1916 he led a group of 50. All the leaders were executed except De Valera. His life was spared because of his American birth, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment. In jail he studied mathematics and read widely. In 1917 the British released all political prisoners. De Valera was at once elected to the Irish Parliament and rose to leadership in the Sinn Fein, the Irish revolutionary party.    Again jailed for revolutionary activity, he escaped to America in 1919 and raised millions of dollars for the Irish cause. The Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 was far short of De Valera's ideal of an independent Ireland. He refused to accept it. His republican group fought the Free State government, and in 1923 De Valera was again sent to prison.    The Sinn Fein returned him to Parliament in 1924, but the party split on taking the oath of allegiance to the king. In 1926 he formed a new party, Fianna Fail (Soldiers of Destiny). It won control in 1932. He became president of the executive council.    In 1933 and 1938 to 1939 De Valera was president of the League of Nations Assembly. In 1938 he became prime minister of Ireland. Defeated for office in 1948, he was prime minister again from 1951 to 1954 and from 1957 to 1959, when he resigned to seek election as president. He won and was reelected in 1966. De Valera retired in 1973. He died in Dublin on Aug. 29, 1975. Birth Certificate read Oct 14, 1882. "George De Valero", Nursery and Child's Hospital (N&CH)... there was a "corrected" birth certificate later. According to one account, de Valera's father siad that his son's name was 'Edward', but because of his Spanish accent it was mistaken for

من الأجداد إلى الأحفاد

Patrick Coll
الميلاد: 1830?, Limerick, Ireland
الزواج: Elizabeth Carroll
الوفاة: 1874
Elizabeth Carroll
الميلاد: 1830?, London, England
أخرى: Medical, Medical Condition
الزواج: Patrick Coll
الوفاة: 31 يوليو 1895
Vivian Juan de Valera
الميلاد: 1854?, Spain
الزواج: Catherine T. Coll , St Patricks Church Greenville/Jersey City
الوفاة: 1886?
Edmund "Edward" Coll
الميلاد: > 1859
Patrick Coll
الميلاد: 1 مايو 1864, Bruree, Linmerick, Ireland
Johanna "Hannie" Coll
الميلاد: > 1859
الوفاة: 1929, Rochester, Ny
Charles E. Wheelwright
الميلاد: 1857?, England
الزواج: Catherine T. Coll , St Francis Xavier Church , Manhattan, NY
الوفاة: 28 ديسمبر 1927, Rochester, Ny
الدفن: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester, NY
Catherine T. Coll
الميلاد: 23 ديسمبر 1858, Limerick, Ireland
الزواج: Vivian Juan de Valera , St Patricks Church Greenville/Jersey City
الزواج: Charles E. Wheelwright , St Francis Xavier Church , Manhattan, NY
الوفاة: 12 يونيو 1932, 18 Brighton st, Rochester, Ny
الدفن: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester, NY
== 3 ==
Thomas Joseph Wheelwright
الميلاد: ديسمبر 1890, Manhatten
رتب كهنوتيّة: 7 يونيو 1916, Redemtorist Priest, Mt st Alphonsus, Esopus,NY
الوفاة: 22 يوليو 1946, Pennsylvania
Sinead O'Flanagan
الزواج: Eamon "Edward" de Valera , Arran Quay
الوفاة: يناير 1975
Eamon "Edward" de Valera
الميلاد: 14 October 1882, New York City
الزواج: Sinead O'Flanagan , Arran Quay
الوفاة: 29 أغسطس 1975, Dublin, Ireland
الدفن: patriots cemetary at Glanevin Cemetary
== 3 ==
Brian de Valera
الميلاد: 1916
Vivion de Valera
الميلاد: > سبتمبر 1910

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