Enravota (Ingvar) Kubratos و 833

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سلالة Кубратовичі
الجنس ذكر
الإسم الكامل Enravota (Ingvar) Kubratos
أسماء أخرى Enravota was Called Ingvar by the Members of the Varangian Guard.

Omurtag I of Bulgaria Kubratos [Кубратовичі] و 831

Randalin Corvinus [Corvinus]

صفحة ويكي wikipedia:Enravota


833 الوفاة:


قالب:Controversial قالب:Needsources Given sources are not sources.


  1. http://www.roca.org/OA/97/97m.htm (Russian Orthodox Church Abroad - ROCA) - Relationships of of Zevinitza This Life was compiled by Bishop Parthenii, according to the Blessed Theophylact of Ochrid in his The Lives of the Fifteen Holy Martyrs of Tiberiopol, and from the History of the Bulgarian State, v. l, part 1, Sofia, 1938, pp. 332 337, by Prof. V. N. Zlatarski. It was translated by Borlslav Svrakov from Zhitia na Bulgarski Svetsi by Bishop Parthenii, Synodal Publications, Sofia, 1979.
  2. Russian Church Abroad www.roca.org -

من الأجداد إلى الأحفاد

اللقب المميّز: хан Болгарский(803-814)
أخرى: 813, Siege of Constantinople
الوفاة: 13 ابريل 814
Omurtag I of Bulgaria Kubratos
اللقب المميّز: 814 ? 831, хан Болгарії
الوفاة: 831
Randalin Corvinus
الميلاد: Black Sea Region, Near the Pontic Littoral, Iran
الزواج: Ragnar ? (Not Ring)
== 3 ==
Auda Ragnarsdotter
الميلاد: ~ 780
Bjorn Ragnarsson (Not Ironside)
الميلاد: 800, Husaby on Munso, Malaren
الوفاة: > 860
الدفن: Jarnsida Barrow, Upland, Þorgautr (Thorgaut......)
Звініца Kubratos
الميلاد: 814
الوفاة: 831, Gardariki, Rusland
Malamir Kubratos
الميلاد: > 815
اللقب المميّز: 831 ? 836, хан Болгарії
الوفاة: 836
== 3 ==

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